Storing references to sparse matrices is not directly possible at the moment but it would help solving Bug 897. A question is whether Block<SparseMatrix> objects shall be storeable into a Ref object. Similar to Ref<const Matrix<...> >, a Ref<const SparseMatrix> can hold a temporary if the passed matrix is not storage compatible with the Ref object. Similar to Bug 884, we can think about a Ref<const SparseMatrix&> variant.
To efficiently solve bug 897 we need some kind of ForceCompressed flag. And I guess storing Block<SparseMatrix> directly has rather limited use (at least I would not enable it by default).
Almost done: Still have to add an option to enforce compressed storage. Changeset: 284bd8c6daa2 User: ggael Date: 2015-06-09 21:11:24+00:00 Summary: Bug 910: add a StandardCompressedFormat option to Ref<SparseMatrix> to enforce standard compressed storage format. If the input is not compressed, then this trigger a copy for a const Ref, and a runtime assert for non-const Ref.
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