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Bug 610 - Unsupported operations like "Matrix3d::Identity() op vector3d.asDiagonal()"
Summary: Unsupported operations like "Matrix3d::Identity() op vector3d.asDiagonal()"
Alias: None
Product: Eigen
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Core - general (show other bugs)
Version: 3.4 (development)
Hardware: All All
: Normal Feature Request
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on: 112 520 ExprEval
Blocks: 3.4
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Reported: 2013-06-06 16:19 UTC by Rhys Ulerich
Modified: 2019-12-04 12:22 UTC (History)
4 users (show)


Description Rhys Ulerich 2013-06-06 16:19:14 UTC
As discussed in
the following does not compile but should...

#include <Eigen/Core>

int main()
    using namespace Eigen;

    // Works as expected
    Matrix3d A1;
    Matrix3d B1 = Matrix3d::Identity() * A1;
    Matrix3d C1 = Matrix3d::Identity() + A1;
    Matrix3d D1 = Matrix3d::Identity() - A1;

    // Does not work but I expect that it should
    Vector3d A2;
    Matrix3d B2 = Matrix3d::Identity() * A2.asDiagonal();
    Matrix3d C2 = Matrix3d::Identity() + A2.asDiagonal();
    Matrix3d D2 = Matrix3d::Identity() - A2.asDiagonal();

    return 0;
Comment 1 Christoph Hertzberg 2014-03-04 16:06:48 UTC
Apparently, the multiplication works meanwhile.
I think this is critical enough to block 3.3 and should be fixable using ExprEval (bug 99).
Comment 2 Sergiu Deitsch 2017-04-22 18:30:17 UTC
Any progress on this? Addition/subtraction is still broken in 3.3.
Comment 3 Gael Guennebaud 2018-10-10 21:23:34 UTC
Regarding this issue, do we want to support "diagmat +/- diagmat" only or more general "diagmat +/- dense" operations?

The former is easy and can be specialized for Dense::Identity() since it is also a diagonal matrix.

Adding/subtracting dense and diagonal matrices would be very inefficient except for some simple assignments like:

(1)  res = diagmat + dense;
(2)  res -= dense - diagmat;

for which the rewriting rules I've written for mixing sparse and dense would equally apply here, see: 

However, it would be too cumbersome to allow for "res = diagmat + dense" but not for "diagmat + dense" within more general expression.

If we want to support "diagmat + dense" within general expressions, the best approach I can think of would be to evaluate it into a temporary with the same strategy as for expression (1) above:
  tmp = dense;
Comment 4 Christoph Hertzberg 2019-03-15 16:06:12 UTC
It would of course be awesome, if expressions like:

   w = (A+s*Matrix::Identity())*v;

would evaluate to something like
   w = s*v; w += A*v;

But rewriting expressions like:

   w = (s0*A + s1*diag1 + s2*diag2) * v;

to the following can get arbitrarily complicated:

   w = (s1*diag1 + s2*diag2) * v; // element-wise, can happen on-the-fly
   w += s0*A*v;                   // GEMV-product

So I guess, for now it should be sufficient to make them compile (and get correct results), if necessary with temporaries.
Comment 5 Nobody 2019-12-04 12:22:16 UTC
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