Erf is listed in the documentation at but using erf on Eign::VectorXd will not compile. I think the error can be traced to a lack of scalar_erf_op in the file Core/functors/UnaryFunctors.h I have written the required templates to invoke std::erf by using the trigonometric functions as a guide. The fix also edits: Core/GenericPacketMath.h MathFunctions.h
On the one hand, `erf` is only supposed to work with `Array` types. On the other hand, you need to #include <unsupported/Eigen/SpecialFunctions> Demo: The latter could definitely be documented better (also for related functions). Or we could actually just move the entire SpecialFunctions module into Eigen/Core. --> DecisionNeeded
Ok to the first (I was using the .array() member function). I didn't see anything about including an unsupported header. Thank you!
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