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Bug 1707 - Compilation warnings
Summary: Compilation warnings
Alias: None
Product: Eigen
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Core - general (show other bugs)
Version: 3.4 (development)
Hardware: All All
: Normal Compilation Problem
Assignee: Nobody
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Blocks: 3.x
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Reported: 2019-05-06 14:43 UTC by Christoph Hertzberg
Modified: 2019-12-04 18:37 UTC (History)
3 users (show)


Description Christoph Hertzberg 2019-05-06 14:43:12 UTC
Recently ( a number of EIGEN_DEPRECATED annotations were added which causes lots of warnings in the test-suite (which hides more valid warnings).

Shall we:
 * Not test deprecated functions?
 * Disable deprecation warnings when testing deprecated functions?
 * Do not deprecate functions when building the test-suite?
Comment 1 Gael Guennebaud 2019-05-07 07:04:50 UTC
I would probably go with "Disable deprecation warnings when testing deprecated functions?" + putting tests of deprecated features into separate unit tests so that deprecation warnings are disabled only for them. Otherwise there is a risk to miss warnings about non-deprecated code calling deprecated functions.
Comment 2 Christoph Hertzberg 2019-05-10 13:01:40 UTC

There already was a compile-flag for that: EIGEN_NO_DEPRECATED_WARNING

I'm not 100% sure why Geometry/Transform.h used lazyAssign instead of simple assignments (I guess the only time this really makes a difference would be for dynamic-sized transformations).
Maybe a the assignments should be marked as not aliasing, though (feel free to modify that).
Comment 3 Nobody 2019-12-04 18:37:14 UTC
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