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Bug 1686 - Failing tests with -ffast-math -funsafe-math-optimizations
Summary: Failing tests with -ffast-math -funsafe-math-optimizations
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Eigen
Classification: Unclassified
Component: General (show other bugs)
Version: 3.4 (development)
Hardware: All All
: Normal Failed Unit Test
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-02-23 08:19 UTC by Gael Guennebaud
Modified: 2019-12-04 18:31 UTC (History)
3 users (show)


Description Gael Guennebaud 2019-02-23 08:19:18 UTC
For the record, I tried gcc7 with -ffast-math -funsafe-math-optimizations and here is what I got (number in parenthesis are line numbers):

	 33 - packetmath_1 (464) (numext::isnan)(data2[0])
	 34 - packetmath_2 (678) internal::predux_any(internal::pload<Packet>(data1)) && "internal::predux_any(0101)"
	217 - array_cwise_4 (452) (Eigen::isinf)(m4/zero).all()
	337 - stable_norm_3 (219) (numext::isnan)(numext::hypot(nan,a))
	338 - stable_norm_4 "
	339 - stable_norm_5 (216) verifyIsApprox(numext::hypot(big,big), sqrt2*numext::abs(big))
	340 - stable_norm_6 "
	341 - stable_norm_1 (94) !(numext::isfinite)(sqrt(-abs(big)))
	342 - stable_norm_2 "
	380 - inverse_7 (80) verifyIsApprox(m1, m2.inverse())
	424 - schur_real_1 (97) test_is_equal(, NoConvergence, true)
	427 - schur_real_4 "
	436 - eigensolver_selfadjoint_13 (174) test_is_equal(, NoConvergence, true)
	437 - eigensolver_selfadjoint_2 "
	438 - eigensolver_selfadjoint_3 "
	439 - eigensolver_selfadjoint_4 "
	440 - eigensolver_selfadjoint_5 "
	441 - eigensolver_selfadjoint_9 "
	450 - eigensolver_complex_1 (140) (ei3.eigenvectors().transpose()*ei3.eigenvectors().transpose()).eval().isIdentity()
	451 - eigensolver_complex_2 "
	453 - eigensolver_complex_4 "
	471 - jacobisvd_7 (308) sub(some_inf, some_inf) != sub(some_inf, some_inf)
	477 - jacobisvd_10 "
	484 - bdcsvd_7 -> variable
	485 - bdcsvd_8 -> variable
	490 - bdcsvd_10 -> (308) sub(some_inf, some_inf) != sub(some_inf, some_inf)
	510 - geo_quaternion_3 (infinite loop in JacobiSVD)
	629 - umeyama_6 (Not Run)
	649 - prec_inverse_4x4_2 (24) error == 0.0
	650 - prec_inverse_4x4_3 "
	672 - half_float (159) !(half(1.0) < half(0.0 / 0.0))
	708 - boostmultiprec_10 svd_common.h (308) sub(some_inf, some_inf) != sub(some_inf, some_inf)

This is mostly for curiosity I don't plan to invest time on them, but if someone care you know where to start.

Also note that with gcc ours built-in isnan/isfinite/isinf are OK with fast-math (unlike the std:: versions)
Comment 1 Christoph Hertzberg 2019-02-25 10:29:57 UTC
I guess we should try to avoid the infinite loops. But overall, we may just warn that compiling with `-ffast-math` is generally not a good idea with Eigen (and usually does not generate benefits). We also had/have several ICC issues, which were essentially caused by aggressive math-optimizations (most recent I recall is Bug 1588).
Comment 2 Nobody 2019-12-04 18:31:33 UTC
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