Hi The following problem only occur with VS (ok on linux with gcc, clang icc) Not sure if it is an eigen bug or a VS one. When using boost::mpi serializer the following code is ok: #include <boost/mpi.hpp> #include <boost/mpi/collectives.hpp> boost::mpi::communicator world; ArrayXd t; boost::mpi::packed_iarchive ia(world); ia >> t; This one is still oK #include <boost/mpi.hpp> #include <boost/mpi/collectives.hpp> boost::mpi::communicator world; shared_ptr<vector< double> > t; boost::mpi::packed_iarchive ia(world); ia >> t; But this one #include <boost/mpi.hpp> #include <boost/mpi/collectives.hpp> boost::mpi::communicator world; shared_ptr< ArrayXd > t; boost::mpi::packed_iarchive ia(world); ia >> t; Gives the error : Erreur 1 error C2665: 'Eigen::PlainObjectBase<Eigen::Array<double,-1,1,0,-1,1>>::operator delete' : aucune des 3 surcharges n'a pu convertir tous les types d'arguments The error is very similar to a bug corrected last year : https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=122194 The faillure is the boost_1_58_0\boost/archive/detail/iserializer.hpp and the message // if compilation fails here, the likely cause that the class // T has a class specific new operator but no class specific // delete operator which matches the following signature. Fix // your program to have this. Note that adding operator delete // with only one parameter doesn't seem correct to me since // the standard( says " // "If a class T has a member deallocation function named // 'operator delete' with exactly one parameter, then that function // is a usual (non-placement) deallocation function" which I take // to mean that it will call the destructor of type T which we don't // want to do here. // Note: reliance upon automatic conversion from T * to void * here seems to indicate that a delete is missing somewhere. Sincerely yours Xavier Warin
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