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Bug 1185

Summary: SparseMatrix class does not enforce the EIGEN_NO_MALLOC macro
Product: Eigen Reporter: velin <n.clauvelin+bugzilla>
Component: SparseAssignee: Nobody <eigen.nobody>
Status: DECISIONNEEDED ---    
Severity: Internal Design CC: chtz, gael.guennebaud, n.clauvelin+bugzilla
Priority: Normal    
Version: 3.2   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   

Description velin 2016-03-29 19:23:06 UTC
(this might have been reported already or it might be a "feature" but just in case I prefer to open a ticket)

The SparseMatrix class (defined in SparseCore/SparseMatrix.h) does not enforce the EIGEN_NO_MALLOC macro; "std::malloc" and "std::free" are directly called at various locations in the code (as far as I can tell it seems to always be related to resizing operations on the inner and outer indices storage).

I am not sure this is to be considered as a bug but it is somewhat troublesome that in spite of defining the EIGEN_NO_MALLOC macro there are still malloc calls behind the scene.

It seems the fix would be easy to implement by using the functions defined in Memory.h; I can provide a quick draft if needed.
Comment 1 Gael Guennebaud 2016-04-05 11:28:02 UTC
In the sparse world, almost any operations will perform dynamic allocation, so I don't see much use case to extend this debugging mechanism to sparse matrices. Recall that EIGEN_NO_MALLOC does not change the behavior of Eigen: it only helps in debugging code.
Comment 2 Christoph Hertzberg 2016-04-05 11:52:03 UTC
I don't see anything wrong with having EIGEN_NO_MALLOC also affect sparse operations.
There are several operations which do not alloc, e.g., matrix*vector products or inserting values into a properly pre-allocated matrix.
Maybe a small nitpicking thing against it is that sparse matrices use new/delete instead of (aligned_)malloc/(aligned_)free (so the naming of the macro does not fit).
Comment 3 Nobody 2019-12-04 15:34:42 UTC
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