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Bug 110

Summary: Generic assignement mechanism
Product: Eigen Reporter: Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud>
Component: Core - generalAssignee: Nobody <eigen.nobody>
Severity: enhancement CC: gael.guennebaud, jacob.benoit.1
Priority: ---    
Version: 3.0   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Bug Depends on:    
Bug Blocks: 558, 984    

Description Gael Guennebaud 2010-11-08 12:59:48 UTC
While thinking about bug 99, I've been thinking that the assignment operator could also be an expression... but this would means that operator= would not return a reference to the "this" object, that is probably not a very good thing. So as an alternative I'd suggest to have an Assignment<Dest,Source> class that could be partially templated even outside Eigen to support any fancy assignment. This mechanism should support +=, -=, and similar operators.

For instance, that would allow us to simplify a lot our EigenBase and return-by-value mechanisms while proposing something even more generic and powerful.
Comment 1 Gael Guennebaud 2015-03-30 18:03:37 UTC
Some updates on this entry. In the devel branch one can specialize internal::Assignment class for this purpose. Here is an example:

class MyFancyExpression : EigenBase<MyFancyExpression>{
 /* ... */

struct MyFancy2Dense {};

template<> struct AssignmentKind<DenseShape,MyFancyShape> { typedef MyFancy2Dense Kind; };

template<typename DstXprType, typename Functor, typename Scalar>
struct Assignment<DstXprType, MyFancyExpression, Functor, MyFancy2Dense, Scalar>
  EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC static void run(DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src, const Functor &func)
    eigen_assert(dst.rows() == src.rows() && dst.cols() == src.cols());
    // do something

It can be easily specialized for a given scalar type (via the Scalar template parameter) and assignment operators (via Functor for =, +=, /=, swap, etc.).

One difficulty is that since it is a templated class, we cannot specialize for MatrixBase<Derived> as the source or destination types because Assignment will be instantiated with 'Derived'. This limitation is mitigated by the "AssignmentKind" that is extracted from the shapes of the source/destinations. But again, we need to specialize for an exact combination of shapes. Perhaps, it would be better to refactor this class to a function allowing for more flexibility?

In this case, one could even build a hierarchy of assignment-kinds allowing to specialize at different levels? For instance, a generic fallback for MyFancy2EigenBase and a specialized version for MyFancy2Sparse.

At this stage it is also not possible to distinguish between "array" and "matrix" worlds, but I don't think this is necessary.
Comment 2 Gael Guennebaud 2015-09-02 11:29:58 UTC
Alright, at this stage I consider the current mechanism as good enough, and using template functions will introduce other difficulties anyways.
Comment 3 Nobody 2019-12-04 09:58:21 UTC
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