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Sat Feb 15 2025 07:21:27 UTC
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32 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
440 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Support complex types for NonLinearOptimization 2019-12-04
634 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Examples for AutoDiff 2019-12-04
657 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- LevenbergMarquardt - lmqrsolv ignores zero entries 2019-12-04
675 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Fixed-size FFT cash 2019-12-04
690 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- FFT does not work for "Array" and dynamic sized "Matrix" 2019-12-04
703 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- AutoDiffScalar: using SparseVector to store the derivatives 2019-12-04
756 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- M.log().exp() != M for random 3x3 double matrix 2019-12-04
764 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- KnotAveraging should not assume input knots within [0, 1] 2019-12-04
856 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Add comment string to output of matrices in MatrixMarket format. 2019-12-04
926 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Patch: Improved GMRES Implementation 2019-12-04
930 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Add MeasureCacheSizes unsupported module as fallback when CPU caches can't be queried 2019-12-04
1023 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Eigen Matrix and Vector multiplication parallization 2019-12-04
1354 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- GMP rationals support 2019-12-04
1483 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- FFTW FFT implementation is not thread safe. 2019-12-04
1537 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Using the same FFT object with real and complex input fails when using FFTW 2019-12-04
1613 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- unsupported matrix log (M.log()) can hang when the operation is undefined 2019-12-04
234 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- Autodiff missing operators, functions, ... 2019-12-04
252 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody NEW --- FFT module should use DenseBase 2019-12-04
786 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody CONF --- The polynomialsolver_9 test fails for seed 1396648348 2019-12-04
787 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody CONF --- MPRealSupport and StableNorm 2019-12-04
858 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody CONF --- Memory allocation problem in ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver 2019-12-04
1717 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody CONF --- Small change in FFT size results in 100x slower FFT using default backend 2019-12-04
700 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody CONF --- Extend functionality of polynomial module 2019-12-04
840 Eigen Unsuppor jdh8 ASSI --- Sylvester-like solver 2019-12-04
888 Eigen Unsuppor romain.picot2 ASSI --- using CADNA type 2019-12-04
781 Eigen Unsuppor matdzb ASSI --- Provide actual unit tests for autodiff-module 2019-12-04
31 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody ASSI --- Implement matrix sign function 2019-12-04
845 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody DECI --- Monotone cubic Hermite interpolation 2019-12-04
655 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody REVI --- Non-negative least squares 2019-12-04
868 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody REVI --- kissfft backend makes wrong result if same buffer is supplied for input and output 2019-12-04
1160 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody REOP --- LM Module Unit Test Failure: test in testNistMGH10 incorrect 2019-12-04
1484 Eigen Unsuppor eigen.nobody REOP --- compilation failure in MatrixExponential.h due to LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113 2019-12-04
32 bugs found.
