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Sat Feb 15 2025 08:17:17 UTC
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59 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
905 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SparseLU 2019-12-04
576 Eigen Sparse desire.nuentsa_wakam NEW --- Sparse reductions 2019-12-04
596 Eigen Sparse desire.nuentsa_wakam NEW --- SparseQR matrixQ() to plain SparseMatrix 2019-12-04
441 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Implement sparse-triangular solver with a sparse RHS 2019-12-04
498 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Aligned Member in PardisoImpl 2019-12-04
516 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- compile error qd_real and Sparse * Sparse 2019-12-04
527 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Crash in ConjugateGradient::solve() when expression is given. 2019-12-04
545 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- building test/umfpack_support_2 fails 2019-12-04
570 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SuperLU factorize does always compute full factorization 2019-12-04
575 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- cannot access private typedef in sparse_diagonal_product_inner_iterator_selector 2019-12-04
629 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- eliminate redundant counter & fix rowmajor version of reserve() 2019-12-04
649 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- colamd always fail when matrix is uncompressed 2019-12-04
656 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SparseMatrix::resize and ::conservativeResize ignore Eigen::NoChange 2019-12-04
668 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Extend PastixSupport to support MPI (optionaly) 2019-12-04
706 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Allowing SparseQR and SparseCholesky to work with MappedSparseMatrix 2019-12-04
710 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SparseMatrix< shared_ptr<X> > is not working (patch attached) 2019-12-04
743 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- No compile-time error for A.row(1).dot(x) for sparse matrix A 2019-12-04
798 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SparseQR<SparseMatrix<double> >::factorize() hits assertion failure on uncompressed input matrix 2019-12-04
816 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- LDLT for sparse, semi-definite symmetric matrices 2019-12-04
1121 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Using SPQR as SparseQR for nullspace computation 2019-12-04
1192 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SparseMatrix::InnerIterator is missing comparison operators 2019-12-04
1374 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Sane Iterator for Eigen::SparseMatrix 2019-12-04
1377 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Extracting Q matrix from SPQR produces compile error 2019-12-04
1404 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Handle += and -= updates in sparse-sparse products 2019-12-04
1407 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Four-Matrix Sparse Multiply Doesn't Work 2019-12-04
1420 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Sparse matrix assembly from sub-sparse matrices 2019-12-04
1463 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- SparseQR not copyable anymore 2019-12-04
1480 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Sparse routines do not properly support AD scalar types 2019-12-04
1487 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- cwise Operations 2019-12-04
1563 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Specific input to sparse QR solve produces erroneous result 2019-12-04
1696 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Crash on AMD ordering (called by SimplicialLDLT::analyzePattern) 2019-12-04
1754 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- sparseView returns invalid sparse matrix 2019-12-04
230 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- ARPACK support 2019-12-04
285 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Compute only one half of a Sparse*Sparse product 2019-12-04
304 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- swap rows/cols for sparse matrices 2019-12-04
305 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- .block() not implemented for sparse matrices 2019-12-04
334 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody NEW --- Implement LU, ILU0 and solve in SparseExtra 2019-12-04
4 Eigen Sparse gael.guennebaud NEW --- [feature request] MUMPS backend for SparseLU 2019-12-04
140 Eigen Sparse gael.guennebaud NEW --- Ensure const-correctness in the Sparse module 2019-12-04
385 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Preserve preallocated memory of the destination of a sparse * sparse product 2019-12-04
757 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Provide a log-determinant method in addition to determinant for SimplicialCholesky 2019-12-04
835 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Implement OnTheLeft/OnTheRight for SparseTriangularView::solve 2019-12-04
1130 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- fast filter of outer dimension 2019-12-04
1271 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Add view to nonZeros of SparseMatrix 2019-12-04
1443 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Repetitive calls to reserveInnerVectors in SparseMatrix::insert 2019-12-04
1719 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- sparseqr test fails with seed of 1 2019-12-04
1749 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Support of MKL Sparse BLAS extensions through Eigen. 2019-12-04
273 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody CONF --- Clear row/column of a sparse matrix 2019-12-04
530 Eigen Sparse desire.nuentsa_wakam ASSI --- Incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient method 2019-12-04
694 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- Handling unordered sparse matrices (as in SparseQR::matrixR) 2019-12-04
713 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- sv += sv causes out of memory 2019-12-04
910 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- Provide Ref<SparseMatrix>/Ref<const SparseMatrix> 2019-12-04
1104 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- Add ability to iterate (non-nested) over values in sparse matrix 2019-12-04
1185 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- SparseMatrix class does not enforce the EIGEN_NO_MALLOC macro 2019-12-04
1706 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- SparseMatrix reallocation throws std::bad_alloc when StorageIndex > Eigen::Index 2019-12-04
1729 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody DECI --- Use aligned storage inside SparseMatrix 2019-12-04
1179 Eigen Sparse dm.zhdanov REVI --- Hypersparse matrix class proposal 2019-12-04
449 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody REOP --- Allow conservative resize in sparse matrix 2019-12-04
838 Eigen Sparse eigen.nobody REOP --- dense_vector=dense_vector*sparse_1x1_matrix crashes 2019-12-04
59 bugs found.
