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Sat Feb 15 2025 06:47:15 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1723 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- BDCSVD: segmentation faults for some matrices 2019-12-04
683 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- Erro when using SVD with MKL 2013 SP1 2019-12-04
1511 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- compilation fails for BDCSVD on intel compilers 2019-12-04
1588 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- BDCSVD fails on Intel Compiler 18 2019-12-04
1732 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- JacobiSVD_LAPACKE uses gesvd instead of gejsv 2019-12-04
19 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- add pivoting variant of householder-based SVD 2019-12-04
101 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody NEW --- Investigate newer JacobiSVD techniques 2019-12-04
1196 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody CONF --- BDCSVD involves dynamic temporaries even after pre-allocation 2019-12-04
257 Eigen SVD eigen.nobody CONF --- pseudoinverse 2019-12-04
9 bugs found.
