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Sat Feb 15 2025 08:32:34 UTC
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15 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
462 Eigen Document eigen.nobody NEW --- Use a better example for Map with InnerStride 2019-12-04
732 Eigen Document eigen.nobody NEW --- Supported Scalar Doc mission 2019-12-04
805 Eigen Document eigen.nobody NEW --- Suggestion: another aligned pointer work around avoiding EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW 2019-12-04
307 Eigen Document eigen.nobody NEW --- Documentation: missing pages linked from tutorial page 1 2019-12-04
308 Eigen Document eigen.nobody NEW --- Documentation: missing "user-defined reductions" section in tutorial 2019-12-04
346 Eigen Document eigen.nobody NEW --- 2 pages with unsupported modules, only 1 fully functional 2019-12-04
138 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Write more developer documentation 2019-12-04
46 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Developer documentation on how to add a new type of matrix 2019-12-04
81 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Advanced doc on writing custom functors 2019-12-04
728 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Make code-generation macros visible to doxygen 2019-12-04
833 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Simplify Documentation by typedef-ing complicated return-types 2019-12-04
1335 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Catalogue should tell FullPivHouseholderQR gives least squares solutions to overdetermined systems 2019-12-04
1677 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Update Documentation on how to provide a Custom Scalar 2019-12-04
998 Eigen Document eigen.nobody CONF --- Avoid warnings when generating Doxygen docu 2019-12-04
457 Eigen Document eigen.nobody REOP --- Document CwiseNullaryOp 2019-12-04
15 bugs found.
