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Sat Feb 15 2025 07:37:47 UTC
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28 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
1267 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody UNCO --- Unknown allocation in code which should not allocate any memory 2019-12-04
633 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Sparse/Dense Matrix/Vector product behaves incorrectly. 2019-12-04
639 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- OpenMP GEMM kernel: possible truncation from long int (Index) to int 2019-12-04
724 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Use aligned loads/stores whenever possible to speedup the GEBP kernel 2019-12-04
745 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Memory corruption in test sparse_product_2 2019-12-04
931 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Fix tracking and use of cache sizes 2019-12-04
937 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Tracking: improve and fully undertand product blocking sizes selection 2019-12-04
1081 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Multiple files: Implicit conversion changes signedness: 'int' to 'unsigned int' (Xcode 7.0.1 | OS X 10.10.5) 2019-12-04
1169 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- thread local storage for the Eigen thread count 2019-12-04
1364 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- GEMM: Allocate memory for blocks only once 2019-12-04
1481 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Big matrix multiplicaton crashes when linking against Xenomai 3 2019-12-04
1482 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Big matrix multiplicaton crashes when linking against Xenomai 3 2019-12-04
1730 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Inconsistent behaviour when multiplying CWiseUnaryViews 2019-12-04
1564 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Internal compiler error when using matrix multiplication (MSVC 2010) 2019-12-04
275 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody NEW --- Patch: Kronecker tensor product 2019-12-04
1294 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- RowMajor Matrix-Vector mul x10 slower than ColMajor 2019-12-04
612 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- In-Place triangular product and inverse. 2019-12-04
879 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- Matrix product with triangularView does not compile 2019-12-04
1466 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- Dereferencing a null pointer for zero sized matrices 2019-12-04
1642 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- Implement faster GEMM kernel for AVX512 2019-12-04
1670 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- Performance degradation of matrix multiplication inside for cycle in 3.3 compared to 3.2 2019-12-04
1712 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- Sub-Optimal code for mixed complex*real products 2019-12-04
1759 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- Check whether blocking is worthwhile for custom types 2019-12-04
312 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- sub-optimal use of 'haddps' instruction in (vectorized) (4x4)' * (4*1) 2019-12-04
784 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody CONF --- assigning products to traingularView does not warn for size mismatch 2019-12-04
1037 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody DECI --- cross products of vectors of dimensions other than 3 2019-12-04
1610 Eigen Core - m eigen.nobody DECI --- Can't convert product of 3 1x1 matrices to scalar 2019-12-04
98 Eigen Core - m christoph-keller DECI --- SoA support in Eigen 2019-12-04
28 bugs found.
