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Sat Feb 15 2025 07:25:14 UTC
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21 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
405 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Patch to add cwise bit operators to Array 2019-12-04
716 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Patch for making CommaInitializer a true expression template 2019-12-04
934 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- In-place solver 2019-12-04
1352 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Generalize replicate(.) to block diagonal replication 2019-12-04
1398 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Compilation error when using triangular view 2019-12-04
1536 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Assign double times selfadjointview at to sparseMatrix does not compile 2019-12-04
1583 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Requiring C++14 for setting EIGEN_HAS_CONSTEXPR is too strict 2019-12-04
1662 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Add a lazyEval() 2019-12-04
1663 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Reducing copies of nestByValue() 2019-12-04
1760 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Support for products of double and {Eigen type}<adtl::adouble> 2019-12-04
178 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- Remove const on nested expressions, and remove const_cast in mutators 2019-12-04
244 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- no ColsAtCompileTime in Eigen::Transform, needed by inverse_impl 2019-12-04
303 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody NEW --- bigMat.block(...).array()*mat.array() is slower than mat.array()*mat.array() 2019-12-04
371 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody CONF --- Automatically transforming a*b.transpose()*c into a* 2019-12-04
1322 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody CONF --- PermutationMatrix<>::transpose() product causes compilation error 2019-12-04
1731 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody CONF --- Column-wise Lp1 sum resulting in aliased calculation when rows==2 2019-12-04
512 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody DECI --- SIMD enabled casts 2019-12-04
564 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody DECI --- maxCoeff() returns -nan instead of max, while maxCoeff(&maxRow, &maxCol) works 2019-12-04
1700 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody DECI --- result_of removes pointer qualifiers 2019-12-04
984 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody DECI --- Fusing the evaluation of multiple expressions 2019-12-04
111 Eigen Core - e eigen.nobody DECI --- Public API to handle function arguments 2019-12-04
21 bugs found.
