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Tue Feb 11 2025 19:42:54 UTC
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107 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
97 Eigen Core - g christoph-keller DECI --- Using comparisons of the Vector Engine 2019-12-04
42 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Support for symmetric matrix 2019-12-04
58 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Direct-access type unification 2019-12-04
112 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- We need a true Identity expression 2019-12-04
166 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Request to add a private allocator to Eigen 2019-12-04
173 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Allow to use LAPACK as back-end 2019-12-04
196 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Move all resize functionality to DenseBase 2019-12-04
209 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- support for CSV format I/O 2019-12-04
226 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- In-place transpose 2019-12-04
246 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- .diagonal() for Array's 2019-12-04
255 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Get CMake to include FindEigen*.cmake in its distribution 2019-12-04
263 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Anonymous enums not usable enough 2019-12-04
291 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Missing Aliasing assert or a bug 2019-12-04
299 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Sort function for matrices and vectors returning indices as well 2019-12-04
323 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- name of constant 2019-12-04
339 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Make headers self-containing 2019-12-04
344 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Diagonal lacks the data() method 2019-12-04
364 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Wishlist for extended functionality 2019-12-04
376 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- orthogonal method 2019-12-04
386 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody REOP --- MSVC 2010 error: __cpuidex missing 2019-12-04
401 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- obtain the coefficients of the indices for a row/colwise call to maxCoeff 2019-12-04
402 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- cleanup boiler-plate code in plugins directory 2019-12-04
416 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Why can't I have a Row Major Column Vector 2019-12-04
422 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody REOP --- Reconsider EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR 2019-12-04
423 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Choose rows/columns from a WithFormat expression 2019-12-04
465 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Missing native support for pow(expr,expr) and pow(scalar,expr) 2019-12-04
467 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Modulo Operator for 1D 2019-12-04
520 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- DiagonalMatrix interface lacking 2019-12-04
536 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Lazy evaluation handles transpose expression wrong 2019-12-04
543 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- compile error with assignment operator overloads using XCode clang 421.11.66 compiler 2019-12-04
574 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Support for Matrices consisting of fixed-size Blocks 2019-12-04
586 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Add NaN and Inf constant matrices 2019-12-04
602 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- [Feature request] more functions for the selfadjointView class 2019-12-04
610 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Unsupported operations like "Matrix3d::Identity() op vector3d.asDiagonal()" 2019-12-04
627 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Eigen does not compile with MSVC without language extensions (/Za) 2019-12-04
663 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Permit NoChange in setZero, setOnes, setConstant, setRandom 2019-12-04
699 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Function similar to Matlab's/Octave's colon operator 2019-12-04
747 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody REVI --- Allow for negative stride 2019-12-04
749 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Enable resize() on Maps when rows*cols doesn't change 2019-12-04
773 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Provide eigen-config.cmake 2019-12-04
788 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Improved the sanity checks done by the BLAS API 2019-12-04
813 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Improving static_asserts 2019-12-04
820 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Stack allocated matrix/vectors within C++14 constexpr functions 2019-12-04
884 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Eigen::Ref stores redundant data 2019-12-04
885 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Extend API of TriangularView and SelfAdjointView 2019-12-04
906 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Broadcasting order of arguments 2019-12-04
912 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Create a Ptr<> analogon to Ref<> 2019-12-04
954 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Support C++11 initializer lists 2019-12-04
1018 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- blueNorm handles complex infinities wrong on some systems 2019-12-04
1019 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- viewAsReal() method 2019-12-04
1021 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Resurrect minor(i,j) 2019-12-04
1034 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- VS2013 boost mpi serialization of shared_prt<ArrayXd> 2019-12-04
1044 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Parallel assignment 2019-12-04
1061 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Matrix operator== does not check for correct size and returns true for empty matrix comparisons. 2019-12-04
1071 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Support for matrix-norms (operator-norms) 2019-12-04
1079 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Bad practice w/errno causes compilation issue 2019-12-04
1087 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Returning by const value prohibits r-value optimizations. 2019-12-04
1159 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Fine tuning of the evaluation on a per expression basis 2019-12-04
1193 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- extend lpNorm with 0 and -infinity 2019-12-04
1208 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Mode cooking 2019-12-04
1218 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- (Optionally) prohibit to assign row expressions to column vectors (and vice versa) 2019-12-04
1239 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- FastMath tests fail with clang 2019-12-04
1257 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Support for custom scalar types with expression templates in numext 2019-12-04
1317 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Performance hit in 3.3rc1 2019-12-04
1327 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Additional formatting options in text IO 2019-12-04
1366 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- TriangularView<Derived, UnitLower>::coeff() does not return 1.0 for diagonal entries 2019-12-04
1415 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Cuda: Calling some Eigen methods failing with Address 0x00000000 is out of bounds 2019-12-04
1416 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Implement mixed type for operator::*=(scalar) 2019-12-04
1421 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Use of "long long" in Core/arch/CUDA/Half.h 2019-12-04
1425 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Add pow functions with compile time exponent 2019-12-04
1431 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- AVX512: btl_eigen3_adv crashes with unaligned memory access 2019-12-04
1433 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- horizontal/vertical stacking for matrix assembly 2019-12-04
1441 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Warnings when compiling with NVCC 8.0.61 2019-12-04
1450 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Error while compiling any Eigen code with nvcc 2019-12-04
1452 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- [feature] git mirror request 2019-12-04
1468 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Cross-compilation failure with qcc for QNX due to missing header inclusion 2019-12-04
1471 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- (Visual Studio 2015) wiseMin and cwiseMax functions crash at runtime when built in release mode 2019-12-04
1473 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Compiler warning: comparison of integers of different signs 2019-12-04
1489 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Issues found by PVS-Studio static code analyzer 2019-12-04
1492 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Packet access for Replicate expressions 2019-12-04
1505 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Allow custom define of EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE and EIGEN_DONT_INLINE 2019-12-04
1519 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Cannot construct a Vector/Matrix object from an indexed view of vector/matrix expressions such as VectorXd::Ones, MatrixXd::Identity 2019-12-04
1539 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Eigen GDB pretty printer does not work for Eigen::Block types 2019-12-04
1542 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- gcc-6 function multiple version didn't work with Eigen (target_clones) 2019-12-04
1552 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Enhancement : Adding support for ROCm/HIP in Eigen (analogous to the existing CUDA support) 2019-12-04
1568 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Add a fast stack-like allocator for tempories 2019-12-04
1574 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Adding a diagonal matrix to a sparse matrix causes assertion failed 2019-12-04
1587 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody REVI --- Make all Base-class constructors protected 2019-12-04
1639 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Prohibit TriangularSolve for integer types? 2019-12-04
1658 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Add DenseBase::conjugateIf<bool>() 2019-12-04
1666 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Scale by power of two when computing stableNorm 2019-12-04
1680 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- More VS EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE and VS code performance 2019-12-04
1684 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- array_reverse fails with clang >=6 + AVX + -O2 2019-12-04
1694 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Add support for log and pow of complex numbers on GPUs 2019-12-04
1701 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Add Hygon Dhyana support to fix queryCacheSizes() get incorrect cache size bug 2019-12-04
1708 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Higham-Tisseur Condition Number Estimation 2019-12-04
1711 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- smallvectors unit test fails in C++03 mode 2019-12-04
1734 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- macOS (built-in) LLVM/Clang compiler crash with OpenMP 2019-12-04
1735 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- Support non-commutative multiplication "Scalar" types 2019-12-04
1757 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody NEW --- Requesting change to code comments 2019-12-04
1758 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody CONF --- ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable ignores alignment requirement of custom types 2019-12-04
1764 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Use builtin C++ feature tests to check availability of language features 2019-12-04
1778 Eigen Core - g eigen.nobody DECI --- Add matlab's repelem equivalent 2019-12-04
34 Eigen Core - g gael.guennebaud NEW --- operator<<(stream) involves log for non integer type 2019-12-04
100 Eigen Core - g gael.guennebaud DECI --- Finalize the array-as-scalar feature 2019-12-04
408 Eigen Core - g gael.guennebaud REVI --- block() does not allow recursion 2019-12-04
259 Eigen Core - g hauke.heibel ASSI --- Aliasing in combound assignment + reduction 2019-12-04
107 bugs found.
